Monday, 22 April 2013

Raffi: Cool It! Happy Earth Day!

Raffi is best known for giving the world Bananaphone and other cute and gentle children's songs, but he's also a really good guy who's using his talent and fame to promote individual and community action on a number of global themes. His website is called : Centre for Child Honouring! I love that.

In honour of Earth Day, I'm posting Raffi's cool new song, Cool It!

Cool It: The Global Cooling Song is a positive and fun song with a catchy chorus that you'll want to sing along with. And, hopefully you'll also be inspired to respond to his plea:

do it for the children, do it for yourself
everybody’s needed, everyone can help

we can do it, turn this world around, cool it cool it down
cool it, cool it, cool this planet down, cool it cool it down

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