Musical Empathy is a superpower!
When I Googled Musical Empathy, I learned all kinds of things. One of them was that Musical Empathy is a good thing to have in some games. If you have it, certain types of music can give you special powers. Music helps you win.
This is from a Superpower Wiki.
Musical Empathy:
Power/Ability to:
Gain various abilities based on the type of music one listens to and/or plays
Some of the known users:
Soul Eater Evans (Soul Eater) has adapted his piano skills into a means to control the soul wavelengths of others.
- The Kongs (Donkey Kong 64)
- Para Brothers (Dragon Ball GT)
- Barbara the Bat (Daigasso! Band Brothers/Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
- Punk Rocket ('Teen Titans: The Lost Episode)
- The Undead Elite (Lollipop Chainsaw)
- Bards (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Demyx (Kingdom Hearts)
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